blue cross blue shield Provider antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: $2,800,000,000
Class Period: July 24, 2008 – October 4, 2024
Filing Deadline: July 29, 2025
Class Member Eligibility: All providers in the US who provided healthcare services, equipment or supplies to any patient who was insured by Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Turkey (direct) antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: $37,125,000
Class Period: January 1, 2010 – January 1, 2017
Filing Deadline: April 21, 2025
Class Member Eligibility: Businesses that purchased Turkey directly from any of the Defendants, in the U.S. during the class period.

Diisocyanates (direct) antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: To Be Determined
Class Period: January 1, 2016 – Present
Filing Deadline: To Be Determined
Class Member Eligibility: Businesses in the United States, its territories, and/or the District of Columbia who purchased directly (including through controlled subsidiaries, agents, affiliates and/or joint ventures) Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) Products and/or Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Products from any of the Defendants or their subsidiaries or affiliates, at any time from January 1, 2016 until the present.

Vendor Dealer Management System Antitrust Settlement
Settlement Amount: $630,000,000
Class Period: September 1, 2013 – August 15, 2024
Filing Deadline: To Be Determined
Class Member Eligibility: All persons or entities that purchased data integration service directly from CDK or Reynolds within the United States between September 1, 2013 through August 15, 2024 (“Class Period”).

frozen potato products (direct) Settlement
Settlement Amount: To Be Determined
Class Period: January 1, 2021 – Present (Proposed)
Filing Deadline: To Be Determined
Class Member Eligibility: All persons or entities that purchased Frozen Potato Products directly from one or more Defendants within the United States between January 1, 2021 until to the present (“Class Period”).

Tires (direct) Antitrust litigation
Settlement Amount: To Be Determined
Class Period: January 1, 2020 – Present (Proposed)
Filing Deadline: To Be Determined
Class Member Eligibility: All persons or entities that purchased Tires directly from one or more Defendants within the United States and its territories during the period at least as early as January 1, 2020 until to the present (“Class Period”).

Cement & Concrete Admixutres (Direct) Litigation
Settlement Amount: To Be Determined
Class Period: May 11, 2018 – Present (Proposed)
Filing Deadline: To Be Determined
Class Member Eligibility: All persons and entities in the United States and its territories who purchased CCAs directly from any of the Defendants or their subsidiaries or affiliates during the period beginning no later than May 11, 2018 until the date on which a class is certified in this case. CCAs are defined as (a) concrete admixtures, (b) cement additives, (c) admixtures for mortar, and (d) products containing or bundled with any of the foregoing.

Granulated Sugar (Direct) Settlement
Settlement Amount: To Be Determined
Class Period: January 1, 2019 – Present (Proposed)
Filing Deadline: To Be Determined
Class Member Eligibility: All direct purchasers of Granulated Sugar from the Producing Defendants in the United States, beginning January 1, 2019, to the present (the “Class Period”).

Settlement Amount: $5,540,000,000
Class Period: January 1, 2004 – January 25, 2019
Filing Deadline: February 4, 2025
Class Member Eligibility: All persons, businesses, and other entities that have accepted any Visa-Branded Cards and/or Mastercard-Branded Cards in the United States at any time during the class period.
Note: The Settlement Class shall not include (a) the Dismissed Plaintiffs, (b) the United States government, (c) the named Defendants in this Action or their directors, officers, or members of their families, or (d) financial institutions that have issued Visa-Branded or Mastercard-Branded Cards or acquired Visa-Branded Card transactions or Mastercard-Branded Card transactions during the class period.
Disclaimer: Claim forms are being delivered and are available online beginning December 1, 2023. Class members need not sign up for a third-party service in order to participate in any monetary relief. No-cost assistance is available from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during the claims-filing period. For additional information regarding the status of the litigation, interested persons may visit, the Court-approved website for this case.

Dealer Management System Antitrust Settlement
Settlement Amount: $129,500,000
Class Period: September 1, 2013 – August 15, 2024
Filing Deadline: January 9, 2025
Class Member Eligibility: All persons and entities located in the United States engaged in the business of the retail sale of automobiles who purchased DMS from CDK and/or Reynolds, or any predecessor, successor, subsidiary, joint venture or affiliate, during the period from September 1, 2013 through August 15, 2024.

beef (direct) antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: $52,500,000
Class Period: January 1, 2015 – February 10, 2022
Filing Deadline: March 4, 2024
Class Member Eligibility: Businesses that purchased boxed or case-ready beef processed from Fed Cattle, for use or delivery in the U.S., directly from any of the Defendants during the class period.

Broiler chicken (direct) Antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: $115,000,000
Class Period: December 1, 2008 – July 31, 2019
Filing Deadline: June 1, 2024
Class Member Eligibility: Businesses in the U.S. that purchased Broilers directly from any of the Defendants or any co-conspirator, or their respective subsidiaries of affiliates, for use or delivery in the United States during the class period.
Qualified Broilers: A broiler is any chicken that is raised for meat consumption to be slaughtered before the age of 13 weeks, and which may be sold in a variety of forms, including fresh or frozen, raw or cooked, whole or in parts, or as a meat ingredient in a value-added product.

SALMON (direct) antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: $85,000,000
Class Period: April 10, 2013 – May 26, 2022
Filing Deadline: September 23, 2022
Class Member Eligibility: Businesses that purchased farm-raised Atlantic salmon or products derived therefrom directly from one or more defendants during the class period.

tuna (direct) Antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: $64,750,000
Class Period: June 1, 2011 – July 31, 2015
Filing Deadline: October 18, 2024
Class Member Eligibility: Businesses that purchased Package Tuna Products directly from any of the Defendants, in the U.S. during the class period.

Capacitors (direct) antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: $165,000,000
Class Period: January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2013
Filing Deadline: July 29, 2022
Class Member Eligibility: Businesses in the U.S. who purchased aluminum, tantalum or film Capacitors (including through controlled subsidiaries, agents, affiliates, or joint ventures) directly from any of the Defendants, their subsidiaries, agents, affiliates, or joint ventures from January 1, 2002, through December 31, 2013 (“Class Period”), and you are (a) inside the U.S. and were billed or invoiced for capacitors by one or more Defendants during the Class Period (i.e., where capacitors were “billed to” persons within the U.S); or (b) outside the U.S and were billed or invoiced by one or more Defendants during the Class Period, where such capacitors were imported into the U.S. by one or more Defendants (i.e., where the capacitors were “billed to” persons outside the U.S. but “shipped to” persons within the United States).

Capacitors (Indirect) Antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: $81,225,000
Class Period: January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2013
Filing Deadline: Deadline Passed
Class Member Eligibility: Businesses in the U.S. who purchased Capacitors (including through controlled subsidiaries, agents, affiliates, or joint ventures) directly from any of the Defendants, their subsidiaries, agents, affiliates, or joint ventures from January 1, 2002, through December 31, 2013 (“Class Period”), and you are (a) inside the U.S. and were billed or invoiced for capacitors by one or more Defendants during the Class Period (i.e., where capacitors were “billed to” persons within the U.S); or (b) outside the U.S and were billed or invoiced by one or more Defendants during the Class Period, where such capacitors were imported into the U.S. by one or more Defendants (i.e., where the capacitors were “billed to” persons outside the U.S. but “shipped to” persons within the United States).

Glumetza antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: $453,850,000
Class Period: May 6, 2012 – August 15, 2020
Filing Deadline: May 29, 2022
Class Member Eligibility: Businesses that purchased Glumetza or generic Glumetza (Metformin HCl) directly from any of the Defendants, in the U.S. during the class period.

Pork (direct) Antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: $101,864,300
Class Period: January 1, 2009 – January 12, 2021
Filing Deadline: N/A
Class Member Eligibility: Businesses that purchased pork directly from any of the Defendants, in the U.S. during the class period.

Butter & Cheese (Direct) Antitrust Settlement
Settlement Amount: $220,000,000
Class Period: December 6, 2008 – July 31, 2013
Filing Deadline: April 23, 2021
Class Member Eligibility: Businesses in the U.S. that purchased butter and/or cheese directly from one or more of the CWT members including the Defendants, during the class period.

Interior Molded Doors (Direct) Antitrust Settlement
Settlement Amount: $61,600,000
Class Period: October 19, 2014 – December 31, 2018
Filing Deadline: September 24, 2021
Class Member Eligibility: All persons or entities that purchased interior molded doors in the United States directly from JELD-WEN, Inc and/or Masonite Corporation at any time from October 19, 2014 to December 31, 2018.

blue cross blue shield antitrust settlement
Settlement Amount: $2,670,000,000
Class Period: February 7, 2008 – October 16, 2020
Filing Deadline: November 5, 2021
Class Member Eligibility: Individuals, Insured Groups (and their employees), and Self-Funded Accounts (and their employees), that purchased, were covered by, or were enrolled in a Blue-Branded Commercial Health Benefit Product sold, underwritten, insured, administered, or issued by any Settling Individual Blue Plan during the respective class period.

GM Ignition Switch Settlement
Settlement Amount: $121,100,000
Class Period: 1997 – 2014
Filing Deadline: September 24, 2021
Class Member Eligibility: All persons or businesses who, at any time as of or before the Recall Announcement Date of the Recall(s) applicable to the Subject Vehicle, own(ed), purchase(d), and/or lease(d) a Subject Vehicle in any of the fifty States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and all other United States territories and/or possessions.

Automotive Parts Antitrust (Indirect) Settlement
Settlement Amount: $1,200,000,000
Class Period: 1990 – 2019
Filing Deadline: December 31, 2019
Class Member Eligibility: Persons or businesses that: 1) Bought or leased a new motor vehicle from 1990 to 2019 in the U.S. (not for resale) or 2) Indirectly paid for a motor vehicle replacement part.

Domestic Drywall Antitrust Settlement
Settlement Amount: $190,700,000
Class Period: See below
Filing Deadline: November 15, 2018
Class Member Eligibility: All persons or entities that purchased paper-back gypsum Wallboard in the United States directly from: (a) Any of the Defendants and/or L&W Supply Corporation and/or their affiliates and subsidiaries from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013; (b) Any of the Defendants (excluding Georgia Pacific) and/or L&W Supply Corporation and/or their affiliates and subsidiaries from January 1, 2012 through June 16, 2016.

Liquid Aluminum Sulfate – Direct Settlement
Settlement Amount: Amounts differ per Defendant
Class Period: January 1, 1997 through February 28, 2011
Filing Deadline: June 13, 2019 (rolling deadlines per settlement)
Class Member Eligibility: You are a member of the Direct Purchaser Settlement Class if you are a person or entity that purchased Alum in the United States directly from a Defendant from January 1, 1997, through February 28, 2011. Generally, you are included in the Direct Purchaser Settlement Class if you purchased Alum directly from a Defendant during this period. Excluded from the Direct Purchaser Settlement Class are (i) Defendants and their respective parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and (ii) any Direct Purchaser Settlement Class Members who timely and validly elect to be excluded from the Direct Purchaser Settlement Class.

Liquid Aluminum Sulfate – Indirect Settlement
Settlement Amount: Up to $33,625,000
Class Period: January 1, 1997 through February 28, 2011
Filing Deadline: February 15, 2020
Class Member Eligibility: You are a member of the Indirect Purchaser Settlement Class if you are a person or entity in Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, or Wisconsin (the “Indirect Purchaser States”), who indirectly purchased Alum, not for resale, which was manufactured, produced or supplied by Defendants or their unnamed co-conspirators from January 1, 1997 through February 28, 2011. Excluded from the Class are Defendants and co-conspirators and their respective parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates.

Lithium Ion Batteries Settlement
Settlement Amount: $113,000,000
Class Period: January 1, 2000 to May 31, 2011
Filing Deadline: July 19, 2019
Class Member Eligibility: You are eligible if: You were a resident of the United States from January 1, 2000, to May 31, 2011, and, you purchased for yourself (and not for resale) one of the products covered by the settlement below at any physical or online retailer.
- Portable computers
- Cordless power tools
- Cameras / camcorders
- Audio players
- Replacement batteries for these products

Optical Disk Drive Indirect Purchaser Settlement
Settlement Amount: $205,000,000
Class Period: April 1, 2003 to December 31, 2008
Filing Deadline: June 28, 2019
Class Member Eligibility: Included in the Certified Class are: 1) All persons and entities that purchased a new computer with an internal ODD, a stand-alone ODD designed for internal use in a computer, or an ODD designed to be attached externally to a computer for personal use and not for resale, such as a DVD-RW, DVD-ROM, or COMBO drive. All DVD drives are eligible. Solo CD drives are not eligible. 2) All persons and entities that made this purchase while a resident of Arizona, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, or Wisconsin. 3) All persons and entities that made this purchase between April 1, 2003, and December 31, 2008.

Resistors Antitrust Settlement (Direct) – Domestic
Settlement Amount: $50,250,000
Class Period: July 9, 2003 through August 1, 2014
Filing Deadline: August 14, 2019
Class Member Eligibility: The Class for the Settlements has been defined as all persons in the United States who purchased linear resistors (including through controlled subsidiaries, agents, affiliates, or joint ventures) directly from any of the Defendants, their subsidiaries, agents, affiliates, or joint ventures from July 9, 2003 through August 1, 2014. The Settlements do not include non-linear resistors.