Class Action Refund has designed and developed various technologies over the years for Financial Antitrust/Securities Class Actions in addition to general Antitrust. Our technology can either automate a client’s unanalyzed data feeds or source client data by data points provided by the client.
The gathering of data and its proper presentation and submission in most class action cases have a direct effect on the client’s settlement. Once a client has sourced their unanalyzed data or provides us with data points to source their data, the process begins by vetting the data for the key points that the settlement requires. Technology plays an important role in this phase of the claims management cycle, as it provides an accurate and efficient way to harness a client’s data and sort it into an accurate snapshot of their purchases, holdings or sales. The data is further refined by sorting it into the data fields the Claim Administrator requires in the applicable claim form.

Class Action Refund developed the C.A.R. KEY application for clients affected by the Automotive Parts Antitrust Settlement. The application is a robust solution that saves clients considerable time and resources from the arduous task of scouring their data to locate qualifiable automotive parts to submit on behalf of their claim. C.A.R. KEY has the functionality to expeditiously identify a client’s qualifiable automotive data. Once the client provides a unique identifier associated with their data, the application can scour and match all qualifiable data and auto-populate the schedule of purchases for submission of the claim. Additionally, C.A.R. KEY will generate a client facing report, that can be reviewed and maintained for your records, alleviating your business from handling this process manually.
F.A.S.T. is the Financial Analytical Sorting Tool. This application has the ability to take various types of trade data and sort it in accordance to a searchable format that is converted into the data fields required by the claim form. F.A.S.T. has the functionality to efficiently and accurately sort data-points from various unanalyzed trade feeds to ensure each qualifying trade is accounted for in the schedule of transactions that accompanies your claim.