Payment Card Interchange Fee Settlement
Sign up below to collect your portion of this $5.54 billion settlement
Disclaimer: Claim forms are being delivered and are available online beginning December 1, 2023. Class members need not sign up for a third-party service in order to participate in any monetary relief. No-cost assistance is available from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during the claims-filing period. For additional information regarding the status of the litigation, interested persons may visit www.paymentcardsettlement.com, the Court-approved website for this case.
For more information please contact our Director of Strategic Partnerships, Brenden Lilly.
Telephone: (914) 630-5152
Email: blilly@classactionrefund.com
Settlement Amount
$5.54 billion
Filing Deadline
August 30, 2024
Class Period
January 1, 2004 – January 25, 2019
Visa, MasterCard, and Various Member Banks
Who we are.
Class Action Refund is a leading third-party claims-filing company that offers full-service claims monitoring and management. We are not class counsel or a claims administrator. Founded in 2003, we have extensive experience managing various class member claims, specifically complex settlement recoveries in claims management, business administration, legal, technology, research, and finance.
How we can help.
Class Action Refund can help your company recover its portion of the Settlement by managing all aspects of your claim, including claim filing, communications with the claims administrator, and audit responses. By organizing and handling all the forms and data associated with filing your claim, we will ensure that it meets all requirements and is submitted accurately. By utilizing Class Action Refund’s claims-filing service, your company will incur no upfront costs and recover the appropriate amount due back to you.
What is this settlement about?
The underlying lawsuit alleges that the Defendants Visa, MasterCard, and their member banks, engaged in anticompetitive practices, including collusion, that artificially inflated the interchange fee that all merchants paid during the Class Period to accept Visa and MasterCard branded credit and debit cards.
What is an interchange fee?
When a cardholder makes a purchase with a credit or debit card, there is an interchange fee attributable to those transactions, which is usually around 1% to 2% of the purchase price. Interchange fees typically account for the greatest part of the fees paid by merchants for accepting Visa and MasterCard branded cards.
Who is qualified in the Settlement?
All persons, businesses, and other entities that accepted any Visa and/or MasterCard branded cards in the United States between January 1, 2004 and January 25, 2019.