EUROYEN Antitrust Settlement
Current Settlement Amount: $317,000,000
Class Period: January 1, 2006 through June 30, 2011
Filing Deadline: March 3, 2020
Class Member Eligibility: You may qualify as a class member if you purchased sold, held, traded, or otherwise had any interest in EUROYEN-Based Derivatives during the period of January 1, 2006, through June 30, 2011. Further, such EUROYEN-Based Derivatives was entered into by a U.S. Person, or by a Person from or through a location within the U.S. You do not have to face a defendant bank on the transaction in order to qualify as a class member.

US Dollar LIBOR Settlement
Combined Settlement Amount: $590,000,000 (From Settling Defendants)
Class Period for Settlement Class: August 2007 through May 2010
Class Period for Litigation Class: August 2007 through August 2009
Filing Deadline: Rolling Deadlines per Settling Defendant
Settlement Class Eligibility: If you directly purchased certain U.S. Dollar LIBOR-based instruments from the list of Defendant Banks or their subsidiaries or affiliates in the United States; and owned the instruments at any time between August 2007 and May 2010 you are a Settlement Class Member.
Litigation Class Eligibility: If you reside in the U.S and directly purchased U.S. Dollar LIBOR-based instruments (interest rate swaps or bond/floating rate notes based upon 1 month or 3 month U.S. Dollar LIBOR rate) from a Panel Bank, whereby the Panel Bank, its subsidiaries or affiliates paid you interest indexed to the 1-month or 3-month U.S. Dollar LIBOR rate set at any time between August 2007 and August 2009, you are a Litigation Class Member.

Foreign Exchange Benchmark Rates Settlement
Settlement Amount: $2,310,275,000
Class Period: January 1, 2003 through December 15, 2015
Filing Deadline: May 16, 2018
Class Member Eligibility:
Direct Class: All persons or entities who, between January 1, 2003 and December 15, 2015, entered into an FX Instrument directly with a Defendant, a direct or indirect parent, subsidiary, or division of a Defendant, a Released Party, or co-conspirator where such persons or entities were either domiciled in the United States or Its territories or, if domiciled outside the United States or Its territories, transacted FX Instruments in the United States or Its territories.
Exchange Only Class: All persons or entities who, between January 1, 2003, and December 15, 2015, entered into FX Exchange-Traded Instruments where such persons or entities were either domiciled in the United States or Its territories or, if domiciled outside the United States or Its territories, entered into FX Exchange-Traded Instruments on a U.S. exchange.

EURIBOR Antitrust Settlement
Settlement Amounts: Varies
Class Period: June 1, 2005 through March 31, 2011
Filing Deadline: July 31, 2019
Class Member Eligibility: All Persons who purchased, sold, held, traded, or otherwise had any interest in Euribor Products from June 1, 2005 through and including March 31, 2011, inclusive (“Class Period”), who were either domiciled in the United States or its territories or, if domiciled outside the United States or its territories, transacted Euribor Products in the United States or its territories during the Class Period, including, but not limited to, all Persons who traded CME Euro currency futures contracts, all Persons who transacted in NYSE LIFFE Euribor futures and options from a location within the United States, and all Persons who traded any other Euribor Product from a location within the United States. Persons or entities do not have to face a Defendant on the transaction in order to qualify.

ISDAfix Antitrust Settlement
Settlement Amount: $96,000,000 (Proposed Class)
Filing Deadline: December 23, 2018
Class Period: January 1, 2006 through January 31, 2014
Class Member Eligibility: (Proposed Class) All Persons or entities who entered into, received or made payments on, settled, terminated, transacted in, or held an ISDAfix Instrument January 1, 2006, to January 31, 2014. Excluded from the Settlement Class are Defendants and their employees, affiliates, parents, subsidiaries, and co-conspirators, should any exist, whether or not named in the Amended Complaint, and the United States Government, and all of the Released Defendant Parties, provided, however, that Investment Vehicles shall not be excluded from the definition of the Settlement Class.