In the High Fructose Corn Syrup Antitrust Litigation, Class Action Refund increased the overall monetary recovery for all its clients. The company was able to boost its clients’ claims from $57 million to $94 million. In this case, claims were to be identified using Defendant data. However, this data was incomplete and resulted in clients being offered less than the amount to which they were entitled. Class Action Refund employed innovative methods to find the necessary proofs of purchase and increased its clients’ monetary recovery.
In the Iowa Antitrust Litigation, Class Action Refund employed creative strategies to help its clients locate information to substantiate their claims. Due to the nature and complexity of the case, the Company hired experts at its own expense to interpret the data and create concise documentation for the Claims Administrator. As always, Class Action Refund paid for the experts with its own funds because clients are never charged for expenses incurred.

In the Microcrystalline Cellulose Antitrust Litigation, Class Action Refund once again used innovative methods to obtain documentation for a client who had previously filed a claim on its own and suffered a rejection. Class Action Refund convinced the client that there was value in resubmitting the claim a second time with our help. The Company helped the Client locate the proper documentation, file a new claim, and recover the full amount owed.
In the Air Cargo Litigation, Class Action Refund had a major sovereign nation as a client. The company believed that the settlement amount offered to the client was wholly inadequate, so Class Action Refund hired outside counsel to press the client’s case for a better recovery with the Court overseeing the settlement. As always, the client was never charged for these extra expenses.